1. Avortement et respect de la vie humaine (Colloque du Centre catholique des médecins français, commission conjugale), Paris: Editions du Seuil, 1972, pp. 93-104, 174-184 194-204.
2. Cfr. ChE. Curran, “Abortion: Contemporary Debate in Philosophical and Religious Ethics,” in: Encyclopedia of bioethics, ed. W.T. Reich, New York/London: The Free Press/Collier Macmillan, 1982, vol. 1, pp. 21-22; cfr. L.S. Cahill, “The embryo and the fetus: new moral contexts,” Theological Studies 54 (1993), p. 142.
3. C.A. Tauer, “Personhood and Human Embryo and Fetuses,” The Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 10 (1985), p. 264.
4. Ibid. pp. 263-264.
5. J. Willke, B. Willke, Abortion: Questions and Answers, Cincinnati: Hayes Publishing Company, 1988 (herziene ed.), pp. 5-6.
6. The Warnock Report, n. 11.5 en 11.22, in: M Wamock, A Question of Life. The Warnock report on Human Fertilisation and Embryology, Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1985, p. 59 en 66
7. N.M. Ford, When did I begin?, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1988; Th.A. Shannon, A.B. Wolter, “Reflections on the moral status of the pre-embryo ” Theological Studies 51 (1990), pp. 612-614; L.S. Cahill, op. cit., pp. 127-130.
8. Sommigen menen dat van de term “pre-embryo” geen enkele suggestie in deze zin uitgaat, omdat het in de embryologie een klassieke gewoonte is om de vrucht pas na de implantatie als embryo te betitelen. Vóór de implantatie sprak men van blastogenese en daarna van embryogenese. Cfr. G.M.W.R. de Wert, J.P.M Geraedts, “IVF, pre-embryo-research en ethiek,” Metamedica 67 (1988), pp. 106-133, speciaal voetnoot 1.
9. B.M. Ashley, K.D. O’Rourke, Health Care Ethics. A Theological Analysis, St. Louis: The Catholic Health Association of the United States, 1989, p. 212.
10. W.J. Eijk, The ethical aspects of genetic engineering of human beings, Kerkrade, 1990, pp.34-36.
11. Ibid. pp. 37-39.
12. A Hellegers, “Fetal development” Theological Studies 31 (1970), p. 5. 13. Th.A. Shannon, A.B. Wolter, op. cit., p. 608.
14. N.M.Ford, op.cit.,pp.170-177.
15. C.A. Tauer, “Personhood and Human Embryo and Fetuses,” op. cit., pp. 253-266.
16. H. Engelhardt, “Viability and the use of the fetus,” in Abortion and the status of the fetus, ed. W.B. Bondeson, H. Engelhardt, et al., Dordrecht D. Reide1, 1983 (Philosophy and Medicine, vol. 13), pp. 184-191; H. Engelhardt, The Foundations of Bioethics, New York/ Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1986, pp. 104-109.
17. RD. Truog. J.C. F1etcher, “Brain Death and the Anencephalic Newbom,” Bioethics 4 (1990), pp. 199-215.
18. J.C. Eccles, Das Gehirn des Menschen, München/Zürich: R. Piper und Co. Verlag, 1984 (5e ed.), pp. 263-280; Idem, “The effect of silent thinking on the cerebral cortex”, in: The brain-mind problem. Philosophical and neurophysiological approaches, ed. Balázs Gulyás, Leuven/Assen/Maastricht: Leuven University Press/Van Gorcum, 1987, pp. 31-60.
19. L. Elders, De natuurfilosofie van Sint-Thomas van Aquino, Brugge: Tabor, 1989, pp. 283-293.
20. De bijbel ziet de mens duidelijk als een eenheid. Zie C. Squarise, “Corpo,” in: Dizionario enciclopedico di teologia morale, L. Rossi, A Valsecchi (red.), Cinisello Balsamo (Milano): Edizioni Paoline, 1987, pp. 153-157; I. Fucek, “Prospettive teologiche ed etiche in tema di corporeità umana,” Medicina e morale 40 (1990), pp. 936-940
21. DS n. 902.
22. Ibid., n. 1440.
23. Veritatis splendor n. 48.
24. G.R. Dunstan, “The human embryo in the western moral tradition,” in: The status of the human embryo. Perspectives from moral tradition, G.R. Dunstan, MJ. Seller (red.), London: King Edward’s Hospital Fund for London, 1990, p. 55.
25. Tertullianus, Apologeticus adversus gentes pro christianis, c. IX (PL 1,371-372): “Nobis vero, homicidio semel interdicto, etiam conceptum utero, dum adhuc sanguis in hominem delibatur, dissolvere non licet. Homicidii festinatio est prohibere nasci; nec refert natarn quis eripiat animam, an nascentem disturbet homo est, et qui est futurus; etiam fructus omnis jam in semine est.”
26. Ambrosius, Expositio Evangelii secundum Lucam, I. 1, 44 (PL 15, 1632): “Ad cohibendam petulantiam tuam, manus quasdam tui auctoris in utero hominem formantis advertis. Ille operatur, et tu sacri uteri secreturn incestas libidine?”
27. Augustinus, Senno CLVI, c. II (PL 38, 851): “Et tarnen in omnibus qui nascuntur infirmis Deus quod bonum est operatur, formando corpus, vivificando corpus, aIlimenta praebendo … ” Cfr. Idem, Contra Julianum Pelagianum I. V,34 (PL 44, 804): “Ut autem concipiatur fetus atque nascatur, divini est operis, non humani.”
28. Augustinus, De anima et ejus origine, I. 1, c. XVI (PL 44, 488-489).
29. Thomas van Aquino, Scriptum super libros sententiarum Petri Lombardi, 2, d. 18, q. 2, a. 3; De potentia, q. 3, ad 9; Summa contra gentiles,2, 87-89; Summa Theologica, 1, q. 76, a. 3, ad 3, en 1, q. 118, a. 2, ad 2; De spiritualibus creaturis, a. 3, ad 12; De anima, a. 11.
30. Augustinus, De nuptiis et concupiscentia, I. 1, c. XV (PL 44, 423); Petrus Lombardus, Sententiae, I. IV, d. 31, c. 3-4; Thomas van Aquino, Scriptum super libros sententiarum Petri Lombardi, IV, d. 31, Expositio textus.
31. J. Connery, Abortion: The Development of the Roman Catholic Perspective, Chicago: Loyola University Press, 1977, pp. 142-148.
32. G. Grisez, Abortion: the Myths, the Realities, and the Arguments, New York: Corpus Books,1970,pp.165-184.
33. W.J. Eijk, The ethical aspects of genetic engineering of human beings, op.cit, pp. 139-188.
34. C.A. Tauer, “The tradition of probabilism and the moral status ofthe early embryo,” Theological Studies 45 (1984), pp. 3-33; B. Soane, “Roman catholic casuistry and the moral standing of the human embryo,” in: The status of the human embryo, op. cit., pp. 81-84.
35. KNMG-Commissie aanvaardbaarheid levensbeëindigend handelen, Interim-rapport inzake levensbeëindigend handelen bij wils-onbekwame patiënten. Deel I: Zwaar-defecte pasgeborenen, Utrecht, 1990, p. 12.
36. T.L. Beauchamp, J.F. Childress, Principies of Biomedical Ethics, New York/Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1989 (3° ed.), pp. 132-133.
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